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Fresh Seasonal Choices

Did you know shopping seasonally can save you money? Especially when buying produce! If you purchase what is currently in season, it will be cheaper than those out-of-season options. This is why buying strawberries in the middle of winter can seem astronomical, especially for not-great quality – simply put, it just isn’t the season for them yet!

Venture out of your comfort zone and see what’s in season! With spring in progress and the “official” kick-off to summer starting this Memorial Day Weekend, a surplus of ripe, fresh fruit will be waiting for you at the grocery store. Be sure to look at prices the next time you go grocery shopping. It can benefit your budget to tailor your recipes around what is in season! You may surprise yourself with that delicious recipe you make in the fall with acorn squash and be equally satisfied with the fresh tomatoes for a Caprese salad come summer.

Fresh Fruit

If you haven’t noticed, pineapples are flooding the shelves right now, and peaches will be close behind! If you’re looking for a refreshing salsa to share with some friends or a topping for that grilled chicken or salmon, look no further.

This pineapple peach salsa is sweet, with a tiny kick from the red onion. If you’re a heat lover and feeling bold, I suggest adding some chopped jalapeno to take it one notch higher. Are you having a taco night soon? Add this salsa to some tacos for a sweet, light addition. I guarantee you'll be doubling the batch the next time you make it!

Pineapple Peach Salsa:

Serving Size: 5-6 servings

  • 1 Pineapple

  • 4 Peaches

  • 1 Red Onion

  • ½ Cup Fresh Chopped Cilantro

  • ½ Lime

  1. Peel and core pineapple, then finely dice

  2. Pit and finely dice peaches

  3. Finely dice red onion

  4. Combine pineapple, peaches, red onion, and cilantro in a bowl. Be sure to include any access juices from cutting the fruit!

  5. Squeeze some fresh lime juice on top and serve!

  6. Serve over grilled chicken or salmon as a topping on tacos, or enjoy with chips!


May 25, 2023

Beth Anne Allen

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